Let’s start with a general overview of the Hyperloop train or “Hyperloop Alpha” as it has been dubbed. Billionaire, Elon Musk, refers to his Hyperloop concept as the “fifth mode of transportation”, superceded by cars, airplanes, trains, and boats. The system would consist of a solar powered, high-speed transit system that would be elevated above ground. The Hyperloop could potentially reach speeds of nearly 800 mph, getting passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in about 30 minutes. The Hyperloop would carry passengers in aluminum pods located inside of large, steel tubes. The tubes would be mounted to elevated columns spaced about 150 to 300 feet apart and have the capability of transporting people as well as cars.
So what are the real advantages of the Hyperloop over existing modes of transportation and the high speed rail system currently underway between L.A. and San Francisco? According to Musk, the Hyperloop is best suited for travel between cities which are less than 1,000 miles apart where traffic is a concern. In comparison to air travel, riders of the Hyperloop could avoid long check-in times as well as the seemingly endless waits on the tarmac.
Compared to California’s high speed rail system, cost and speed are the major benefits. The cost to construct the high speed rail system which commences in Summer 2013 is estimated at $70 billion. Musk believes that the actual cost could exceed $100 billion when it’s all said and done. The high speed rail system will also be much slower than the Hyperloop while taking about 2 hours to travel between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Musk believes the cost of the Hyperloop would be around $6 billion, about one-tenth the cost of the high speed rail system, with construction being located right along side the I-5 Freeway. Passengers would only pay $20 per ride, making it much cheaper than planes, trains, or automobiles. In theory, the Hyperloop could transport up to 7.4 million people per year between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
As a very active, and perhaps over committed CEO of both Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Musk will likely not have much time to devote to the development of the Hyperloop concept. His hope is that other parties will take over the reins of this project to bring it to fruition. However, if there isn’t much interest, he might just go ahead and do it himself. I think we all know he is fully capable of pulling off a game changing project such as the Hyperloop.
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