Bentley Classic Cars For Sale

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Engine: Not Available     Trans: Not Available

Gullwing Motor Cars Inc.

Astoria, NY

1935 Bentley 3 1/2 Litre Drophead Cou...

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Engine: Not Available     Trans: Not Available

Gullwing Motor Cars Inc.

Astoria, NY



Bentley Motors Limited, established in 1919 in London, is a British manufacturer and marketer of luxury cars and SUVs. They became a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group in 1998.


Bently is often associated with their historic sport racing wins, with their Bently 41/2 Litre and Bentley Speed Six being popular models after Bentley's 1924, '27, '28, '29, and '30 wins of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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